Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

japanese holiday

April 17, 2009

** NSFW **

a week of resolution.

April 11, 2009

I, mo, do hereby resolve to do the following this week:

1) Select my roller derby name.

I’m narrowed down at this point to “Black Eyed Abby,” “Jenna Tonic,” and “Little Miss Stunshine.”  Black Eyed Abby was originally Blackeyed Bea, but after more thought, and an interest in using the initials exclusively at times, I pulled it apart.  See, now even the initials spell out B… sweet!  Then Jenna Tonic, well, I’m also really into the incorporation of a real first name in the Derby Name, i.e. Maul E. Crue (Molly) and Alice Rumbledore.  Just cute all around.  Finally, thanks to my generally sunny disposition, I got the suggestion for Stunshine from a friend over drinks.  She thought it needed to be a little more rough around the edges so we went from Sunny or Sunshine to Stunshine and then it all fell into place.

2) Attend all three roller derby practices this week.

I will not let work get in the way of my fun.  I need the money from picking up all those extra shifts, but missing all of these practices has really pulled down my mood.  I didn’t realize how much it would effect me to miss the practices, so here it is.  I will go to all three practices this week.

3) Post photos of the delicious chocolates that A & M got me whilst they were in Florida.

I’ve had two of the 12 chocolates and they have been great so far.  “Florida Orange” was so delicious with a white-chocolate-orange-infused center wrapped in milk chocolate.  Then today the “Cinnamon Roll” was buttery-cinnamonny goodness inside a milk chocolate shell.  YUM!  It’s taking me some time to really enjoy these masterpieces because everytime I get home I seem to be starving and I want to appreciate these flavors instead of scarfing them down.  So… the delay has occurred.  I am here, now, committing to chronicling the flavors this week though.  I want to make sure I taste the chocolates before they are past their prime.

4) Sort out my schedule to allow for a second part-time job.  

I got the call today from Seven Stars and they’ve decided to hire me to work part time at their Hope Street location.  I anticipate starting the 20th, but they might wait to put me through the orientation after I get back from Florida, the 29th and 30th.

5) Finish Everything Is More by David Foster Wallace.

It’s a hurdle, but a very interesting and well written hurdle.  I have been reading the book for about 2 and a half weeks now and I’m not quite finished.  Now that I’m done with the first season of The Wire I think I’ll have a little more free time.  That’s at least until the first disc of the second season arrives.

6) Go bowling on Monday night.

It’s been too long and I’ve got a craving, plus it’s less expensive on Mondays and I’m on a budget!  The facebook email invitation has been sent, we’ll see how the schedules align.

7) Pack at least 5 boxes of stuff for moving purposes (if I throw out the equivalent of 5 boxes of stuff, that’s fine too.)

I am meeting a potential roommate tonight, so if all goes well, we’ll have a new place by the beginning of May!  *Fingers Crossed*

positively cute.

March 18, 2009

the website’s name says it all and, believe me, they’re not lying.  just fan through a couple pages of this website that will inevitably lift your spirits.


i’m tough…

March 5, 2009


caution: daunting task ahead

January 30, 2009

well, i’ve been so busy working and playing video games that i haven’t spent too much time online and therefore i have over 1000 posts that are unread in my RSS feeder.  today, goal is to bring it to 200 or less in my 10-minute-“reward”-internet-break times.  (if i stay on task for an hour or get a big project done, i’ll reward myself with 10 minutes of “free-time” on the internet, it keeps me motivated.)

jordan sparks / jimmy eat world mash-up

January 19, 2009

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bond, james bond.

December 27, 2008

casino royale is a much better book than film. and that chinese food hit the spot. i can’t wait to play in my new skates tomorrow at derby practice, btw. nite all.

lars. another one.

December 21, 2008

So, Netflix brought me a Futurama movie to watch and one of the featured characters is “Lars.”  Only a little strange to me, because the last movie I watched was Lars and the Real Girl.  Not too many people named Lars out there, at least I hadn’t noticed it.

So next in my queue is Stardust.  Recommended by a friend.  We’ll see how it goes.

While I peruse the special features, I’ll share some old links.

November 23:  Tips to save money on clothes, home goods, pet stuff…  I especially liked the ShopItToMe and Etsy links.

November 25: Those crazy scientists have done it again, inventing stuff.  Scientist in Zurich have developed a completely water repelent fabric.   I want to know how you’d wash it, is it impermeable to dirt too?

November 26:  Gaming gone bad.  I like playing guitar hero, playing this game reminds me of all those mindless nights in college where we’d watch Alex play Tetris.  The game is mesmerizing even when you’re not the one playing.  This however, is at least, a questionable game.  It is also definitely NSFW.  

November 27:  This Thanksgiving post from Lifehacker logged the free software they are thankful for.  It includes operating systems (Linux), browsers (Firefox, Chrome), email clients (Opera, Gmail)… Not much in the name of security programs like with firewalls or spyware/adware scanners, but they did have CCleaner that I recently downloaded, it wipes your system of unnecessary temp files that your computer is storing.

** side note, Sierra Mist Cranberry Splash is CRAP.  I thought it’d be like Cherry Seven Up or at least similar, but it’s a sweet-mess.  So if you like it, come to my house and take it away, otherwise I’ll sell it for a nickel a can at the local beer store.

November 29:  A charming gallery of “The End” scenes from movies.

Seems like an appropriate place to end this post.  Fin.

life’s tough

December 17, 2008

watching a movie tonight, lars & the real girl.  it’s napoleon dynamite grown up; less funny, but same awkward presence.  think over-sized moon boots only more lumberjack and looking for the meaning of growing up.  

it’s incredibly sweet and sad and funny in spots.  

this week’s been packed so far, monday night crate, tuesday night derby, and tonight, with every intention to derby, i ended up at tortilla flats w/leigh and made it home in time to make a cd for a friend and watch this movie.

lars is currently giving a teddy bear cpr to cheer up a coworker that he used to be too shy to talk to.  too cute.  as much as i hate being girly and admitting it, can’t deny the cute factor there.

i haven’t read much of the reader lately, so no links now, except for a friend sent me this cute game from the current even page:  game!

milk… a rant

December 12, 2008

So, while I wanted to go and see the movie Milk tonight, I have no motivation to drive 35 miles or an hour away since I work all day tomorrow.  It would wipe me out.  I will have to set aside a night specifically to make this trip and now that I’m practicing with Derby, it could be tricky.

As for what the night holds, I was invited to a couple of parties.  The challenge is getting out of my house and driving to the other side of town to make an appearance.  If I make it out of the house tonight, I’ll stop by a Wine & Cheese Party, otherwise I will clean like a fiend and wrap up the White Elephant gift for tomorrow night’s party.  It’s only 9 o’clock, anything goes.